Sioux City Emerald Ash Borer Workshop

Emerald ash borer has arguably been the most devastating pest in the US in the last 20 years. What have we learned in that time? Can we apply those lessons learned to protect more communities and save more ash trees?

Join us for this workshop hosted by Rainbow Ecoscience and the Society of Municipal Arborists. We'll discuss how municipal foresters, arborists, and landscape professionals can protect more ash trees, what has been done since EAB was first confirmed in IA in 2010, what the latest research shows, and how to best protect trees with the latest technology and techniques.

Venue: TBD Date: 6/28/22 Time: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm

Additional details:

  • ISA CEUs
  • Breakfast included
  • Free event



8:30 am – 9:00 am Registration, Sign In and Light Breakfast

9:00am – 9:10 am: Welcome and Introductions

Erik Lindberg and Justin Matlock, Rainbow Ecoscience

  • Safety brief
  • Housekeeping, photo / video
  • Review the agenda for the day and expectations
  • Introduction of guest speakers and Rainbow staff

9:10 – 9:40 am Iowa's History with Emerald Ash Borer

Tivon Feely, IA Department of Natural Resources

Abstract: In this presentation, we’ll take a deep dive into when emerald ash borer moved into the state of Iowa, what was done to slow the pest, and why it spread so quickly.

Bio: After completing his B.S. at ISU Tivon had an internship as City Forester in Central Park West New York, New York. He then worked as a Diagnostician in the Plant Disease Clinic with the Department of Plant Pathology at ISU and then worked as a Forestry Extension Specialist for 8 years. In 2008, Tivon joined the Iowa Department of Natural Resources as the Forest Health Program Leader. At the IDNR, he works with both native and exotic tree pests with his time primary spent on emerald ash borer, thousand cankers disease, Asian longhorned beetle, gypsy moth, bur oak blight, oak wilt, and invasive plants.

9:40 – 10:40 am Herd Immunity: Its Use and Benefit for Maintaining Ash in the Community Forest

John Ball, MS and PhD in Forest Entomology from Michigan State University

Abstract: While the survival of untreated native ash species from emerald ash borer is in the single digits, we need to maintain these species as part of the community forest. Herd immunity has been mentioned as a means of ensuring the survival of ash in community forests. This presentation will explain the concept of herd immunity and the on-going study of its effectiveness as a management option.

Bio: John Ball, MS and PhD in Forest Entomology from Michigan State University where he worked on Agrilus, currently Forest Health Specialist for the State of South Dakota and Professor of Forestry at South Dakota State University.

10:40 – 10:50 am Break

10:50- 11:50 am EAB: To Treat or Not To Treat – That is the Question

Erik Lindberg, Rainbow Ecoscience

Abstract: Emerald ash borer has arguably been the most devastating invasive insect in the last 18 years since it was first found in Michigan in 2002 and was confirmed in Iowa in 2010. As it continues to spread to new communities, it becomes vital that municipalities have a plan in place to effectively manage it. This presentation will discuss the impact of EAB, sign/symptoms, determining municipal budget allocations, how to determine which trees to target, and a toolbox approach to manage EAB.

Bio: Erik provides education and training to Rainbow’s clients. He also works with the research and development department in conducting trials, analyzing data, and writing research reports. Erik received his bachelors from the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire majoring in Ecology and Environmental Biology with a chemistry minor. He has a M.S. in Biology with an emphasis in forest ecology from Texas Tech University. He is a licensed pesticide applicator in Minnesota and previously worked as a plant healthcare technician for Rainbow.

11:50- 12:00 pm Break/ Move to Outdoor Demo

12:00- 12:30 pm EAB Injection Demonstration and Training

Justin Matlock, Rainbow Ecoscience

Abstract: During this demonstration, we’ll show you how to get efficient and predictable control for emerald ash borer using the latest tree injection technology, tree injection best practices, and tips for optimal uptake, timing, and product distribution.

Bio: Justin has over 20 years of green industry experience. As the Heartland Territory Manager, Justin provides products, equipment, protocol training and education to tree care professionals across Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, and Nebraska. He strives to not just be a “distributor” but a true resource for his clients.